Stage Plot Creator

Stage Plot Designer. Stage Plot Designer is a simple drag-and-drop online app you can use to place guitars, amps, keyboards, laptops, keytars, acoustic guitars, mic stands, monitors, amp stacks, drums, pianos and other instruments. Once all the details are filled out you can print your stage plot or save it as PDF.

StagePlot Guru is the way audio engineers, musicians, bands, event planners, clubs, churches, houses of worship, venues, hotels, wedding planners, stage managers and more CREATE, BUILD, SHARE and STORE professional stage plots. We offer dedicated customer support to users of the app! -Easy-to-Read Graphics.Editing Tool Bar. Jul 18, 2011 If you can’t create a stage plot, at least send the venue an informal input list. Dave- Standard 2-tom drum kit. Mic for snare/hat. Vocal mic on boom stand. Monitor to his left. Janet- acoustic & electric guitar. Stands front center stage. Vocal mic on boom stand. Create the Stage Plot To arrange objects that have been added to the your Stage Plot you can simply move the instruments around by holding your left mouse button down or on a mobile device tap and hold your finger on it and then move it. Moving each light into the plot, you’ll orient them where you’d like them hung. By default, a light placed “on” a truss or pipe is hung straight down, pointed towards the stage. If you need the lights hung another way, be sure to make a note and represent it visually as best as you can. An example symbol on a plot.

How to make a Stage Plot (Stage Plan) for a Band

One day or other every band is asked to provide a STAGE PLOT / STAGE PLAN / INPUT LIST. Stage plot is an illustration of the band’s set up, location on stage or appliances you use. A stage plot is planned to help a sound engineer get an idea about your necessities. For instance, where on the stage all the instruments will be situated, how many microphones or what kinds of instruments will be used etc.

What should be mentioned in a stage plot:

- a primary visual that demonstrates where every member of the band is located;


- names of all band members and kind of instrument everyone plays;

- whether case keyboard and bass amplifiers be direct run or mic’d;

- number of monitors, DIs, microphones, and cables needed;

- type of sound gear (mics, DIs, etc.), if some, you will be providing;

- where the amplifiers will be located in relation to the players.

With the help of a stage plot, you will make your setup and sound check more effective and well-organized.

Create your own stage plot

Band Stage Plot Creator

If you need to create your first stage plot / stage plan, check out these two websites - and

If you like to play around, just check out the examples of stage plots below the article and try to build your personal design. You can use the next icons:

- use some circles to stand for the drum kit;

- mics are symbolized as X inside the circle;

Stage Lighting Plot Creator

- amplifiers are rectangular;

- stage wedges are triangles;


You can use your grade-school skills to draw keyboard, guitar, bass, DJ station etc. But remember that your tech team knows what a guitar looks like and they don't need a picture of it, they just need to know where they should put the DI box for it.

If you can’t create a stage plot, just try to do the following:

Simply write the number of people in your band and how many amplifiers, instruments, microphones you have got and how they are connected. That will be enough for most of your small gigs.

For example:

Rachel - drum set, microphones for kick and snare. Vocal microphone on boom stand....

Phoebe - acoustic guitar, stands front center stage. Vocal microphone on boom stand, DI…

Chandler - electric bass, stands stage right. Boom microphones for vocals, bass rig sits rear stage right…etc

So what should I do with my stage plot?

Stage Plot Creators

Send it to the agent, promoter, or someone else at the time your performance is confirmed. In addition, ask how you can get in contact with the live-sound engineer and send him some information. The booker or agent can also send you additional information about the concert. Don’t forget to check it.

So, think of the details, perform a great show, and sell some music :)

Some examples of stage plots stage plans input lists: